We must be smarter than Scammers

With technology instead of making our lives better, scammers are exploiting it to cause misery to day-to-day users. We read about victims suffered monetary losses and mental torture over scams.

Computer security was already in existence during my days working in the 1980s to 2000s. Back then, we knew how to protect our electronic files and resources. We knew how to keep our passwords safe and not disclose to others. We back-up our data files and programs and keep these back-up resources off-site.

Back in those days, we already knew about Trojan Horse Viruses. It is the same as malicious software (malware) that is loaded into computer systems or mobile phone system in current technological environment.

Scammers are causing havoc by taking control of your mobile phone or computer. Ransomware is present danger that we must avoid. This ransomware locks your computer/phone systems and scammer wants ransom money to unlock your system.

How can we be smarter than the scammers?

I like the old technology of computer security.

  1. Back up your important files using external hard-drive (now it is back up in the Cloud). I still have these external hard-drive.
  2. Update your computer/phone operating systems with latest security features provided by software/hardware corporations
  3. Do NOT expose your passwords to others such as keeping them in phone/computer. Keep them away from the systems.
  4. Do NOT load applications (Apps) from the Internet that are from dubious sources. Less Apps is better than more Apps. Some may be Malware.
  5. Use 2FA (Two-factor Authentication) as a means of signing into application.
  6. Install computer security software on your system.

With latest technology coming on stream, it is to ease us into using software applications. With convenience, come risks of being scammed.

Take the example of Face ID being used increasingly to log-in into banking Apps. It is wise not to do FaceTime or Video Call with someone UNKNOWN to you. Our Face ID can be captured by scammer.

Better still do NOT pick up calls from numbers unknown to you (not in your contact list). If there are important messages, the genuine callers will know how to reach us via legitimate ways.

Do NOT click on links in your conversation thread or e-mail without thinking and establishing the authenticity of these links.

And there are other good advices. Good to know them. We must be smarter than scammers.

Copyright © 2024, limkimtong for Living Investment

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