Been Busy and Sick

I have not been writing.

During the middle of May, I caught a flu, the one with running nose throughout the day. I tested negative for Covid-19. The lingering cough was a pain. It took me more than a week to fight it without seeing my doctor. I am now in the clear.

We spent family time together during Mother’s Day in May and then Father’s Day last Sunday. Not to forget, we celebrated “Bak Chang Day” this month (Dragon Boat Festival 端午节).

From 8-11 June, my wife and I volunteered at a Meditation Centre as helpers while meditators were having their retreat. We had not volunteered before. It was a rewarding but tiring experience.

What do you do when you are alone? How do you keep yourself occupied? Something to think about when we grow older and our partner leaves us sooner. If one were able to walk and healthy, go for a holiday. Do not wait. It might be too late to tackle some difficult journeys. (This must be within one’s financial means.)

In the investments front, not much is happening for me. Singapore stock market is unexciting. Interest rates in Singapore are on a downtrend. I am watching but not doing anything.

Copyright © 2024, limkimtong for Living Investment

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